Nadiya Kostyuk

Christopher Whyte
Nadiya Kostyuk is an Assistant Professor at the School of Public Policy at Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research focuses on security studies, modern warfare, cyber conflict, cyber institutions and capability, Russian and Eurasian politics. Methodological areas of interest include network analysis, mathematical and computational modeling, and text analysis. Dr. Kostyuk’s research has been published (or is forthcoming) in the Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Global Security Studies, Journal of Strategic Security, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Cyber Defense Review, and several edited volumes and general-audience publications. Her research has been supported by the Belfer Center for Science and International Technology at Harvard's Kennedy School, the Department of Computer Science and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, and the Cybersecurity, Internet Governance, Digital Economy, and Civic Tech Initiative at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. Nadiya is a co-organizer (with Christopher Whyte) of the Digital Issues Discussion Group. She received degrees from the University of Michigan (Ph.D.), New York University (MSc), City University of New York John Jay College (B.A.), and Kyiv National Linguistic University (B.A.).
Her personal website is available here and her institutional website is available here.
Christopher Whyte is an Assistant Professor in Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government & Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University. He teaches coursework on cyber security policy, conflict and law, and has broadly taught coursework on international security topics, political risk analysis and strategic planning. His research interests include a range of international security topics related to the use of information technology in war and peace, political communication and cybersecurity doctrine/policy.
His dissertation and first book (manuscript) explore the determinants of decision-making among subversive societal fringe actors that choose to use different kinds of ICT in their campaigns. Other ongoing work involves the study of bot manipulation campaigns as part of state-sponsored influence operations, digital antagonism amongst non-state actors and the dynamics of decision-making under diverse cyber conflict scenarios. More broadly, his scholarly and analytic work has appeared or is forthcoming in several publications including International Studies Quarterly, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, International Studies Review, Comparative Strategy, Politics & Governance, Strategic Studies Quarterly, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Orbis, New Media & Society, Foreign Policy, War on the Rocks and The National Interest. He is also co-author of a Routledge volume on international security and cyberspace – entitled Understanding Cyber Warfare: Politics, Policy and Strategy – with Brian Mazanec and co-editor of an upcoming volume on information warfare in the age of cyber conflict.
Chris received his PhD in Political Science from the Schar School of Policy & Government at George Mason University. He also holds a BA in International Relations and Economics from the College of William and Mary and an MA in Political Science from George Mason University. He is presently a non-resident fellow with Pacific Forum and has worked as a research program manager at several consultancies and think tanks.